The New Faculty Cohort Program for Teaching and Learning is a component of the New Faculty Launch Program, which supports and guides new full-time faculty for approximately one year as they begin their academic careers at the School of Dentistry. 

Faculty in the Cohort Program meet every other month for about a year to learn best practices, apply teaching strategies and develop a support network.  The sessions are highly engaging and informal, encouraging development of collaborative and supportive relationships in a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.  The cohort includes faculty in both the clinical and tenure tracks.

Contact Charlene Erickson for more information or to join the cohort.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of the New Faculty Cohort Program for Teaching and Learning participants will be able to:

  • Identify individual needs related to their professional development in teaching and learning.

  • Apply integrated course design principles to develop a module or course.

  • Describe ways to actively engage students with content.

  • Explain three best practices for assessment and feedback.

  • Describe at least two ways to document teaching effectiveness.

  • Begin a teaching portfolio.